Noodles with Eggs and Cheese

Đăng lúc 3:59 ngày 08 / 05 / 2018

Noodles are staple food in many culture. There are many tasty noodles recipes, easy to cook and it takes just 3-10 minutes to serve. Roy Choi, a Korean American, shared his delicious noodles recipe with New York Times: Noodles with Eggs and Cheese (Ramen with Eggs and Cheese)

1 pkg Instant noodles
1 Egg
1 Tbsp butter
Grated carrot, fresh spinach or leftover veggies (totally optional)
2 process cheese slices
Toasted sesame seeds
Chopped green onion
Sriracha (or other chili sauce)


Cook the noodles like you normally would – according to the package directions – when the noodles are about halfway cooked, crack in the egg and poach it in the broth over low heat, basting with broth or covering with a lid briefly to help it cook through.

Carefully pour the lot into a bowl, add the butter and any veggies you like, and immediately top with the cheese slices. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, green onion and Sriacha to taste and serve immediately.